Sunday, 8 February 2015

Crisis? What Crisis? (part 2)

I wrote about some Russians' reactions to the Rouble's fall a few weeks back.

Had some more feedback...

One person said that the cost of fruit had doubled in three-four months, not out of keeping with newspaper reports that some food prices on individual items have increased from 10-150% (15% for 2014). That's from someone who is keeping an eye out.

The other side of the coin is people who are blissfully unaware. My wife runs a small business selling items to Russia and had to raise the prices quite significantly because of the tumbling Russian currency. A customer wrote to ask why. Lily, being diplomatic, said the pound had gone up in value (rather than the Rouble was crashing and burning, along with everyone's life savings). The customer answered, "What a coincidence! The dollar is also rising!"

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