Thursday, 5 March 2015

Tulsky Pryanik/ Тульский пряник

A Tulsky pryanik is one of those things that Russians appear to think that everyone abroad knows about Russia and buys as a souvenir... like vodka and Russian dolls. It might be true for the latter two, but I hadn't heard of this cake until after leaving Russia.

I'd eaten it in a different form, like little, round ginger biscuits with jam inside, without taking much notice of their name (hmmm.... food... eat), but not these traditionally shaped slabs until I returned there on holiday.

Тульский подарок/ Tula Present

The most famous kind, theTulsky variety, are from the city of Tula, hence the name, and are basically a dry, biscuit-like, spiced, honey cake with jam inside, or boiled condensed milk. 

This one had an apple jam filling.

 Lily brought one back with her from her recent trip to Moscow - a big thank you to relatives for the pryanik - and, while I'm no forensic scientist, I think it's fair to say she took a big bite when I wasn't looking :)

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