Happy New Year! |
No surprises in our household, the alcohol's already sorted for New Year's Night. We have the obligatory champagne. No, we're not oligarchs; what Russians call champagne is in fact (cheap) sweet, sparkling wine. Like a cheap supermarket cava in the UK, but half the price... :-) if you're in Russia... :-( if you're in Britain
Hangover... sorted. |
Salads... "Salat Olivier...?" Agreed... tick. "Gribnaya Polyana?*" Agreed... tick. At this point there's a tangent...
Rob (English): "Why do Russian salads have such stupid names?"
Lily (Russian): [puzzled look] What?
R: "I mean, *mushroom meadow? Herring under a fur coat? Why?"
L: It's the topping.
R: "Fur?"
L: "Urgghhh, no."
R: "What next? Sweetcorn under a little hat? Cucumbers with stars?"
L: "Shit"
R: "and the Russians would probably put loads of mayonnaise in it."
End of tangent... So, we've agreed on the two salads and the conversation continues...
R: "So, that's the salad sorted."
L: "What do you mean?"
R: "Huh?"
L: "That's only two... do you realise how long that'll last?"
R: [thinks 'oh silly me'; says...] "What's the third salad?"
[Lily's face lights up with joy and is then amused to find that if, typing in Russian, you start to write 'New Year' into google, it soon suggests 'New Year salad']
L: "Crab stick salad. Anyway, we'll need lots to eat throughout the evening."
[At this point I remember something very important about Russian New Year Eve protocol]
R: "But the food gets put on the table and we can't touch it before midnight."
L: [quickly changing approach] "You should have seven salads of course, but we'll manage with three."
R: "Ok."
The compromise is achieved and so some cucumbers and mayonnaise will be available in Sheffield's supermarkets. Unless there's a change of mind. You can bet on it.
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